The Easy K Ranch is a home for persons who are developmentally disabled and is located on a large working ranch in North Central Arkansas.
We function as a large family, not as an institution. Our residents are trained to “give and take” as you would in normal family living. Each person is accepted as who they are, not who we wish they were. A wide range of disabilities is represented; those of a higher ability help those who need more supervision, thus providing the satisfaction that comes with service to others.
Our goal is for the individual to become as independent as possible and to realize their highest potential. A specific program is planned for each individual. Our facility is licensed by the Arkansas Department of Human Services, a division of Development Disabilities Services. We were founded in 1962 by Dr. E. Robbins Kimball, a Pediatric Neurologist from Glenview, Illinois.
The program is operated by the Board of Directors of the Easy K Foundation, Inc. and is funded entirely by private means. The shortfall in tuition income is made up through donations and income from investments. We have been able to maintain a very reasonable tuition through careful budgeting. We receive no federal or state funds, although some of our residents do qualify for SSI, Social Security Disability.
Our facility is in operation 365 days a year and we encourage planned or unannounced visits anytime between 9:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. Many, but not all, of our residents return to their homes for Christmas and for summer vacations.